T-15 and counting...
One way tickets to Delhi - check; Travel insurance - check; Passports & visas - check; Cash & cards - check; Ready to rock and roll!
Took a fairly tough walk last weekend to see how my ankle is bearing up (there's only so much rehabilitation you can achieve on a wobble cushion). It went rather well and any limping was a result of me clattering my knee on a stone stile rather than more serious ligament problems. It seems all the pilates, yoga and physio appointments have paid off. Weather permitting, it looks like I'll get to sit on that Ladakh hillside afterall.
We had a practice pack this weekend. We had to laugh at our efforts when we realised that once the basic necessities were in, room for luxuries was more than limited. Who knew a children's rucksack could weigh so much? Looks like Lee and I will be carrying their books and other heavy items. And the heap that we pared off our own stuff could have filled another 60 litre pack. I'm scanning whatever written material I can to upload to the web and reduce some of the weight. Thankfully, once we see in the winter and head south, we can send home the bulky and heavy mountain wear. We may also leave some gear at our Delhi hotel to pick up on the way back. But still, there's too much stuff and we're going to have to become leaner in our packing.
Everyone's getting very excited now as the start of our trip gets closer. That, and a building apprehension about what's to come. Letting go of everything here sounds good in theory, but in practice.... it could be a different story!
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