Ok. I'm going to make a concerted effort with my blogging entries. Need to get back into practise and not be distracted by looking at photos on Facebook. Crikey it's addictive that one is...
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. We had many realisations and moments of more clarity after we had returned home from our last trip. Perhaps sometimes it's looking back with rose tinted glasses. And sometimes it's tinged with regret. Only in so much as opportunities missed. To have a chance to be travelling again and to maybe do some things differently because we've learned from the last time. How lucky are we? I think we are all feeling this to a greater and lesser extent.
Things I want to do better this time include practising meditation and yoga right from the start (last time I only really got into it after an intensive week in Patnem, Goa, almost 5 months into the trip). Lee says he wants to make the effort to talk to more people. I think i agree with that one too. Alot of great adventures came out of talking to strangers. I came back to the UK talking to anyone, someone next to me on the bus (which usually caused people to think slightly weird), people in queues; I am less open again now. In fact there's lots of things that have reverted like that.
What else? Learn to scuba dive maybe (we might have to see about that one tho, my blood just ran cold at the thought of it, even heard the dern dun, dern dun in my head). Also, do some charitable work (still working on this one - so far am collecting learn to read English children's books as they were desperate for these in Ladakh so thinking maybe needed in Kathmandu). Also have made connection with Dristi Nepal, a harm reduction NGO working with women in Kathmandu.
Check out for more info
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